jeudi 2 février 2012

I shall ride till the pyramids

I started this journey with no goal really except the real intention of meeting new people, tasting new worlds and discovering new horizons. One thing is for sure. To embark on this journey, I knew I was leaving behind in Canada family, friends and many great things. But I had to do it. Deep in me I knew there was ground that needed to be walked, seas to be sailed, mountains to be climbed and so on. Therefore, I boarded a plane and made my way to Asia and so far this journey as been great. I've walked many miles to the point that I'm now eating 4 meals a day and still can't put weight on! Seas to sails are to come soon and mountains to climbed will happen. What have I learned so far? Many simple thing that one could say: I could of told you that back home. Ok sure, but it would sure not be as fun. I've deal with solitude, language barrier and things being abroad teach you and that can't be learned at home aswell. Anyway, I'm not trying to defend my case here because I know I'm doing the right thing.

Today I was given a great gift from a fellow traveller. A book. Not any book. One that took me 6 hours to enjoy every word of it. An ideology that pretty much confirms why I'm travelling. As I was saying in the text, I have a loving family, great friends, had a good job and live quite well. So why undertake this journey to the pyramids?

I could of spent 10 years in school learning about life and other amazing things. Learn brillant concept and be a knowledgeble men. One that could win awards for discovering something or just being really intellingent (I wish) Anyway, I choose the school of life. Travelling is an University by itself and should not be look down. You might learn the composition of gold in a classroom but if you have never seen it what good does it have? And so on the idea of learning as been in my head for a while now. I want to learn as much as I can and not in a classroom!

But back to the pyramids. I have this dream of seing what the world as to offer. See the temples, the mosques, the deserts, the mountains, you get the point. I strongly believe that I then can share these amazing experience in many way. Stories with my friends, enlighten decisions a work, better judgement in different situations. I've undertook this journey to appreciate what I have right back home for a start. Also to see what other live on. And quite honestly it's the same everywhere. Family, friends, love and belief. Where do I find that? Back home. So after seing all that, I'll come back home with an even stronger feeling that the real treasure is in my own backyard. But that I already know, I just want to make it more precious!

Thanks to Paulo Coelho and it's brillant novel "The Alchemist" for validationg even more this journey and the fellow traveller for pasing it on.

1 commentaire:

  1. C'est quand même drôle que tu dises ça, tu vois moi j'ai découvert l'Alchimiste dans mon voyage dans l'Ouest... dépaysement moins grand, mais même but de me redécouvrir en partant loin de ce que je connaissais. C'est un modèle à suivre.
    Je t'aime le frère
